Why only 5% of business owners SUCCEED and 95% DON’T

The findings point to a stark realization that, for most business owners, extracting maximum value for their largest wealth asset (their business) and transitioning out with success may not be rooted in reality. Let’s look at these alarming statistics in more detail …

How much time do you really have left?

If you think there’s plenty of time left to exit your business and live out your golden years, think again! This vlog shows how to calculate the real time available to live out your next chapter of life …

How can FROGS drive up the value of your business?

Unless you own a pet store that sells these cute amphibians, the answer to that question is not immediately clear. But it’s true, FROGS can drive up the value of businesses in all industries! Read this article to find the answer to this unusual question …

Failing to plan has a breathtaking price. Don’t sacrifice your future!

It is common for business owners to be overwhelmed by the thought of transitioning out, or become so busy fighting daily fires in their businesses that they assume they cannot plan their transition. So if you’re unsure about your future business transition, why is it important to act on it today?

Timing is Everything

If you’ve ever thought “Why bother planning for my business exit when I can’t sell it now or anytime soon?”, then consider Ron’s story …

Is Your Business Worth As Much As You Think?

Many business owners aren’t exactly sure what their businesses are worth. More commonly, many business owners overestimate the value of their businesses based on rules of thumb, comparing what outwardly similar businesses have sold for or simple gut feeling. Failing to know what your business is worth right now can have negative consequences on how you plan for the future.

Why Master Planning? Why Now?

Only the planning process sets up the best opportunity to transition out of your business on your terms despite the glut of sellers, dearth of buyers, vagaries of the market and investment world, and the myriad of known and unknown influences on your business.

How Emotion Affects Your Business Exit

Leaving the business is one of the most emotional events business owners can face, which means business owners should take care when making decisions that can affect millions of dollars and years of retirement.

How Much Is Success Worth to You?

One of the most challenging hurdles for business owners to overcome is accurately determining how much money they’ll need to achieve these goals. Many owners are shocked to realize they have a Wealth Gap.

One Way To Decide When To Sell

How do you know the right time to sell your company? One answer to this age-old question is that the time to sell is when someone else is willing to invest more in your business than you are.

5 Ways to Get Your Business to Run Without You

Some owners focus on growing their profits, while others are obsessed with sales goals. Have you ever considered making it your primary goal to set up your business so that it can thrive and grow without you?

A business not dependent on its owner is the ultimate asset to own. It allows you complete control over your time so that you can choose the projects you get involved in and the vacations you take.

The Danger of Market Timing the Sale of Your Business

The other day I was reading about a successful CEO in his fifties who runs a heating and air conditioning company generating eight million dollars in revenue and over one million dollars in profit before tax. 

Even though he was tired and nearing burnout, he was planning to wait for another five to seven years before selling his business because he “wanted to sell at the peak of the next economic cycle.”